<p>The Indo-Iranians swept down from the North and sacked South Asia. This set the pattern for a cycle of invasions that will come to define Afghan history.</p>
Identity & Perception
Traces & Narratives
Scythians, Aryans, Indo-Iranians--who were they?
More Information:
<p>Belton. "Ze Ma Janana." Recorded 1967. Lorraine Sakata. <br />
Mahali style. © Radio-Television Afghanistan Archives.</p>
<p>Dupree, Nancy. <em>A Site between Bazarak and Rokha: A75-73</em>. 1975. Dupree Collection, Williams Afghan Media Project, Williams College, Williamstown, MA. </p>
<p>Mottl, Dmitry A. "Уймонская степь (Uymon Steppe, Altay)." Digital image. Wikipedia Commons. Accessed August 11, 2010.<br />
Creative Commons license:</p>
<p>Rex. "Steppe of Western Kazakhstan in the Early Spring." Digital image. Wikipedia Commons. Accessed August 11, 2010. <br />
Creative Commons license:</p>
<p>UNAMA/Taqi Mihran. "Peace Day Calligraphy: 16 September 2009." Digital image. United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan's Flickr Photostream. Accessed August 11, 2010. <br />
Photo courtesy of UNAMA.</p>
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<p>Producer: Alexis Menten</p>
Video Transcript:
<p>History has brought many different cultures and peoples to the lands of today’s Afghanistan, many of which had a lasting impact. The first of these were the Indo-Iranians.<br />
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Afghanistan has been invaded from the North for much of its history. Around 2000 BC was the first important such invasion from a group known as the Indo-Iranians.</p>
<p>These are people that seem to have come off the steppe and they’re moving into Afghanistan and through Afghanistan down into India and also moving down towards the Iranian plateau. </p>
<p>They’re cattle-keeping people. They have carts. They have chariots. They have horses. And you know culturally it marks the introduction of new sets of languages.</p>
<p>These people would have a dramatic effect on the religion of Afghanistan, and on the culture, on the language.</p>
<p>Afghanistan’s main language today, Dari, is part of the Indo-Iranian language group.</p>
<p>The local people very often retained their traditional culture, and it took centuries, really, for the Indo-Iranian influence to be felt: culturally, religiously, in terms of lifestyle. Sometimes, we think of history as happening almost immediately, but in fact, it’s a gradual development</p>